Friday, July 16, 2010

Stunning Beauty of Piazza Maggiore in Bologna, Italy

The Piazza Maggiore in Bologna Italy
The Piazza Maggiore is a huge pedestrian square in the centre of the oldest part of the city. Surrounded by many of Bologna's Renaissance and medieval buildings and landmarks, the Piazza Maggiore is situated next to the Piazza del Nattuno. Nearby are many cafés, bars and cheap hotels in bologna itlaly musicians and street performers, creating an exciting and friendly atmosphere is this busy square. This is a must see piazza in Bologna. It is tucked away in a hard to find corner of the busy city center. Few people manage to find it compared to Piazza Majore. Triangular in shape with plenty of shade when needed, this is a place where you can escape and enjoy the serene surroundings.

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